<description>The Robert Farrell Band will be performing on June 23, 2007 at &lt;a href="http://www.merchanttaphouse.com/" title="The Merchant Tap House"&gt;The Merchant Tap House&lt;/a&gt; in Kingston, Ontario as part of &lt;a href="http://www.podcastersacrossborders.com/" title="PAB2007"&gt;Podcasters Across Borders 2007&lt;/a&gt; (PAB2007) conference.&lt;br/&gt;</description>

Robert Farrell

Robert Farrell

Robert Farrell Band performing at PAB2007

JUN 11, 2007-1 MIN
Robert Farrell

Robert Farrell Band performing at PAB2007

JUN 11, 2007-1 MIN


The Robert Farrell Band will be performing on June 23, 2007 at <a href="http://www.merchanttaphouse.com/" title="The Merchant Tap House">The Merchant Tap House</a> in Kingston, Ontario as part of <a href="http://www.podcastersacrossborders.com/" title="PAB2007">Podcasters Across Borders 2007</a> (PAB2007) conference.<br/>