<p>This is the News Insight, where Editor Jo Cook looks at the newsflash and highlights important stories. </p>
<p>This podcast references items you can read more about in this Newsflash article:
<a href="https://www.trainingjournal.com/?p=8864" target="_blank" rel="external noreferrer noopener">https://www.trainingjournal.com/2024/content-type/news/tj-newsflash-4-september-intelligent-managers-work-related-stress-and-job-hopping</a>
<strong>If you have something new to share with the L&D community and would like to be part of TJ’s podcasts. Contact the Editor </strong><a href="mailto://[email protected]?subject=TJ podcast"><strong>Jo Cook</strong></a><strong>.</strong>
If you want to keep up with everything Training Journal, <a href="https://www.trainingjournal.com/newsletter-signup/">subscribe to our newsletter</a>. </p>