SOCRS134- Ron Zaleski ”The Long Walk Home”

JUL 17, 202345 MIN
Straight Outta Combat Radio-Honoring Combat Wisdom

SOCRS134- Ron Zaleski ”The Long Walk Home”

JUL 17, 202345 MIN


United States Marine Veteran Ron Zaleski is the Founder, President, and Executive Director of The Long Walk Home, a non-profit organization dedicated to healing and improving the lives of transitioning veterans.

Ron served in the United states Marine Corps from 1970-1972. after his military service, he owned and operated a gym and scuba shop in the Hamptons in New York for 28 years.  

After 9/11, Ron realized that he had to help transitioning veterans not to experience what his generation of veterans went through coming home from Vietnam, which was having little or no guidance at all. That lack of support was unacceptable to him. In 2006-7, Ron walked the Appalachian Trail barefoot to create awareness for transitioning and struggling veterans.

In 2010-11, Ron walked barefoot across the Country carrying a petition which he brought to Washington D.C. His goal was to get mandatory counseling for all military personnel prior to their discharge from military.

In 2014-16, Ron operated had a homeless shelter for veterans in the Florida Keys. Currently, The Long Walk Home organization has a veteran's mentorship program which started in 2020 and has been more effective in helping more people across the entire United States.

Ron maintains a strong presence within the organization spending most of his  I’m involved in every aspect of the organization and spend most of my time doing events and mentoring.

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For more information about The Long Walk Home VISIT: