03 /26 / 2020

GREEN ROOM QUARANTINE: The Seltzer Wars EP 02 - Royal Caribbean Region

Big thanks to the Royal Caribbean Cruises for hosting us in the first region of the Seltzer Wars.  If you need to catch up, check out episode 01.  The first region's seeding is as follows:

1 - Bud Light 
2 - Corona
3 - Press
4 - Lift Bridge

Tune in to see who will be going to the Final Four from this region!

Like the episode? Click the [↻ Repost] button!

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Green Room Podcast

Green Room Podcast

Green Room Quarantine: The Seltzer Wars EP 02 - Royal Caribbean

MAR 26, 202015 MIN
Green Room Podcast

Green Room Quarantine: The Seltzer Wars EP 02 - Royal Caribbean

MAR 26, 202015 MIN


03 /26 / 2020 GREEN ROOM QUARANTINE: The Seltzer Wars EP 02 - Royal Caribbean Region Big thanks to the Royal Caribbean Cruises for hosting us in the first region of the Seltzer Wars. If you need to catch up, check out episode 01. The first region's seeding is as follows: 1 - Bud Light 2 - Corona 3 - Press 4 - Lift Bridge Tune in to see who will be going to the Final Four from this region! Like the episode? Click the [↻ Repost] button! FACEBOOK >>> www.fb.com/greenroompodcast.mn TWITTER >>> twitter.com/greenroompodcast INSTAGRAM >>> www.instagram.com/greenroompodcast/ LISTEN IN ON OTHER APPS! >>> podlink.to/GRP