Podnews Daily - podcast industry news
Podnews Daily - podcast industry news

Podnews Daily - podcast industry news

Podnews LLC



Daily news for the podcast and on-demand audio industry - from Apple Podcasts to Spotify, YouTube Music to Joe Rogan. Podnews also covers the latest jobs and events and trending shows in a short update every weekday. [email protected] - visit https://podnews.net to get our free newsletter.

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Acast achieves profitability target
FEB 12, 2025
Acast achieves profitability target

Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast!

  • Acast has posted its first year in profit, according to the company’s financial year-end report. The full report claims a 19% net sales growth for 2024, and an EBITDA profit of $2.2mn. Total listens were down 13% in 2024, which the company attributes to Apple’s changes in iOS 17.

    • In Q4/2024, net sales grew by 17% overall, with sales in North America growing by 33%. However, the number of listens was down by 8% in the quarter: Acast say this is because the BBC left Acast’s network for Triton Digital. The BBC left in late November, so expect a further decrease of listens in Q1. The UK itself is a “challenging market” according to CEO Ross Adams (though Acast didn’t represent the BBC there).
  • Netflix wants to get into video podcasts, according to Business Insider. It reportedly tried to hire Alex Cooper last year.
  • Meta has launched a demo tool called Audiobox - “create an audio story with AI voices and sounds.” It’s quite a fun thing to play with, though it seems to like whispering very much. Of interest: “This research demo is not open to residents of, or those accessing the demo from, the States of Illinois or Texas.”

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Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, Cloud10, The Podglomerate, Sounds Profitable, Cohost, RedCircle, Resound, Steve Lack: Audio, Podscribe, audioBoom, Simplecast, SALT, Audiohook, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, We Edit Podcasts, Evergreen Podcasts, Disctopia, Knucklehead Media Group, Libsyn, Acast, Podpage websites

Silver supporters: Storic Media, Audacia Audio, Bumper, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, Red Seat Ventures, PlayPodcast, Gilded Audio, Ausha, Gumball, Frequency, Jonekiri, Huberman Lab, Storyboard, The Roost, Deepcast Creator, Voxtopica, Compliance Podcast Network, POW PR, The Podcast Haven, Truefans, SoundStack, Podium , Tink Media, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Oxford Road, Diversion Podcasts, matchmaker.fm, Optimal Living Daily, Headliner, Blubrry, Rhapsody Voices, Zvook, Jam Street Media, Castos, Ossa Collective, Wondery, Double Elvis Productions, Podcast Taxi, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Heartcast Media50, Transistor, Rephonic, Lemonada Media, StreamGuys, Hear.Here.Singapore, Content10x, Podcast Partnership, Ad Results Media, She Podcasts, Cleanfeed, Adopter Media, Revolver Podcasts, Lower Street, School of Podcasting, Podigy, Podcast Movement, Sonix, Edison Research, Signal Hill Insights

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Image: James Cridland

Murdoch’s Fox buys into Red Seat Ventures
FEB 11, 2025
Murdoch’s Fox buys into Red Seat Ventures

Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast!

> > > Read more of today’s podcast industry news stories on the Podnews website: and get our free daily newsletter.

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  • Read more poetry! — Free email newsletter sharing one good poem a week, plus commentary.
  • 🎧 Drive Podcast Downloads on Player FM — Use Player FM’s self-serve ad platform to boost impressions, plays, and engagement for your show. Affordable plans available to fit any podcaster. Launch your campaign now!
  • Audiencelift Grow Your Podcast, Grow Your Income! — Audiencelift delivers real human, verified listeners and IAB-compliant downloads, so you can earn meaningful revenue from your podcast. Start growing your audience and income today!
  • Sung Podcast Intros! — Level up your podcast! Let RedRum Creative craft an infectious, sung-for-you jingle intro that’ll grab your listeners ears. Most jingles are just $500! Visit RedRum Creative to hear samples.
  • Try Free Ukumi AI Podcast Editing Today — Tired of spending hours editing? Let Ukumi's AI do the heavy lifting. Turn Zoom & Riverside recordings into Podcasts, fast turnaround. Save time and focus on storytelling. Edit less, create more!🚀

Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, The Podglomerate, Cloud10, Sounds Profitable, Podscribe, SALT, audioBoom, Cohost, Simplecast, RedCircle, Steve Lack: Audio, Resound, Audiohook, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Acast, Evergreen Podcasts, Knucklehead Media Group, We Edit Podcasts, Libsyn, Podpage websites, Disctopia

Silver supporters: Storic Media, Audacia Audio, Bumper, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, PlayPodcast, Podium , Ask Ralph Christian Finance, Storyboard, Ausha, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, The Roost, The Podcast Haven, Deepcast Creator, Jonekiri, Huberman Lab, Red Seat Ventures, POW PR, Gilded Audio, Gumball, Voxtopica, Tink Media, SoundStack, Frequency, Compliance Podcast Network, Truefans, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Heartcast Media50, Oxford Road, Rephonic, Diversion Podcasts, Transistor, Double Elvis Productions, matchmaker.fm, Headliner, Wondery, Blubrry, Rhapsody Voices, Jam Street Media, Castos, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Optimal Living Daily, Ossa Collective, Zvook, Podcast Taxi, Lemonada Media, Podcast Partnership, Content10x, Ad Results Media, Hear.Here.Singapore, StreamGuys, She Podcasts, Cleanfeed, Sonix, Lower Street, Podcast Movement, Adopter Media, Podigy, School of Podcasting, Revolver Podcasts, Signal Hill Insights, Edison Research

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Image: Robert F

Help the industry: fill in the report card
FEB 10, 2025
Help the industry: fill in the report card

Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast!

> > > Read more of today’s podcast industry news stories on the Podnews website: and get our free daily newsletter.

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  • Podcast Growth & Monetization tips every Thursday! — Subscribe to the FREE Podcasting Business School newsletter and get fresh tips every Thursday for podcast growth, monetization, and online business strategies. Join over 2,800+ Pod Pals on this list.
  • Gold Mic Award: for the Top 50 Over 50 Podcasters — Nominate Now - Gold Mic Awards Showcasing Top 50 Gen X & Boomer voices. Sponsorships & Judge Spots available! Nominations open now-Feb 28, Hybrid: Virtual Event & Gala in Melbourne, FL 3/28/25 8pm EST
  • Sung Podcast Intros! — Level up your podcast! Let RedRum Creative craft an infectious, sung-for-you jingle intro that’ll grab your listeners ears. Most jingles are just $500! Visit RedRum Creative to hear samples.

Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, The Podglomerate, Cloud10, Sounds Profitable, Podscribe, Cohost, Audiohook, Steve Lack: Audio, Simplecast, RedCircle, Resound, audioBoom, SALT, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Libsyn, Evergreen Podcasts, Knucklehead Media Group, Podpage websites, Acast, Disctopia, We Edit Podcasts

Silver supporters: Storic Media, Audacia Audio, Bumper, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, Storyboard, Tink Media, SoundStack, Gumball, Huberman Lab, The Roost, The Podcast Haven, Jonekiri, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, PlayPodcast, Red Seat Ventures, Deepcast Creator, Gilded Audio, Compliance Podcast Network, Frequency, Podium , Voxtopica, Ausha, POW PR, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, Truefans, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Podcast Taxi, Diversion Podcasts, Heartcast Media50, Blubrry, Optimal Living Daily, Lemonada Media, Wondery, Headliner, Rephonic, Zvook, Castos, matchmaker.fm, Jam Street Media, Rhapsody Voices, Ossa Collective, Transistor, Oxford Road, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Double Elvis Productions, Hear.Here.Singapore, Ad Results Media, Podcast Partnership, Content10x, StreamGuys, Cleanfeed, She Podcasts, School of Podcasting, Adopter Media, Revolver Podcasts, Podcast Movement, Podigy, Lower Street, Sonix, Edison Research, Signal Hill Insights

Our supporters pay for Podnews, so everyone can read it. Join them today.

Image: Kimberly Farmer

Evolutions names first keynote speakers
FEB 7, 2025
Evolutions names first keynote speakers

Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast!

  • Evolutions, in Chicago at the end of March, has confirmed its first keynote speakers. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and bestselling author Ronan Farrow will be in conversation with Audible Chief Content Officer Rachel Ghiazza focusing on the evolving landscape of audio investigative reporting.

    • Use code PODNEWS to save on selected passes.
  • So, is everyone jumping into Spotify video? Not quite, reports Ashley Carman in Soundbite. “Of the top 50 shows, 37 regularly post videos to YouTube ... and only eight also put them on Spotify,” she writes.

  • Earlier this week, Livewire published data showing the share of new podcast episodes by hosting companies. Spotify for Creators saw a three point jump in share to 27%, its highest number for six months; the #2, Spreaker, also saw a record share of 14.3%; and #3 Buzzsprout posted an almost two-year high of 9.4%. Also posting highs were Captivate (the highest share since 2022) and RSS.com, its highest share ever.

    • Livewire also posted the top podcast tracking services - Chartable’s closure not resulting in any significant growth for other companies - and use of CDNs, with Amazon Cloudfront and Cloudflare both showing record share.

> > > Read more of today’s podcast industry news stories on the Podnews website: and get our free daily newsletter.

Classifieds - your job or ad here

  • Podcast Not Growing? — The top website to learn how to podcast just added unlimited one-on-one consulting. Use the coupon PODNEWS to save 20% and have a podcast consultant in your pocket
  • Gold Mic Award: for the Top 50 Over 50 Podcasters — Nominate Now - Gold Mic Awards Showcasing Top 50 Gen X & Boomer voices. Sponsorships & Judge Spots available! Nominations open now-Feb 28, Hybrid: Virtual Event & Gala in Melbourne, FL 3/28/25 8pm EST
  • Sung Podcast Intros! — Level up your podcast! Let RedRum Creative craft an infectious, sung-for-you jingle intro that’ll grab your listeners ears. Most jingles are just $500! Visit RedRum Creative to hear samples.

Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, Sounds Profitable, Cloud10, The Podglomerate, SALT, Cohost, Resound, audioBoom, Simplecast, RedCircle, Audiohook, Steve Lack: Audio, Podscribe, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Knucklehead Media Group, Disctopia, Libsyn, Podpage websites, Evergreen Podcasts, We Edit Podcasts, Acast

Silver supporters: Storic Media, Audacia Audio, Bumper, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, Frequency, Compliance Podcast Network, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, Storyboard, Gilded Audio, Huberman Lab, PlayPodcast, Jonekiri, Deepcast Creator, Podium , POW PR, SoundStack, The Roost, Ausha, The Podcast Haven, Red Seat Ventures, Voxtopica, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, Truefans, Gumball, Tink Media, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Double Elvis Productions, Blubrry, Heartcast Media50, matchmaker.fm, Castos, Headliner, Diversion Podcasts, Lemonada Media, Oxford Road, Rephonic, Jam Street Media, Wondery, Ossa Collective, Zvook, Rhapsody Voices, Optimal Living Daily, Podcast Taxi, Transistor, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Podcast Partnership, Ad Results Media, Content10x, StreamGuys, Hear.Here.Singapore, She Podcasts, Cleanfeed, School of Podcasting, Podcast Movement, Lower Street, Sonix, Podigy, Adopter Media, Revolver Podcasts, Signal Hill Insights, Edison Research

Our supporters pay for Podnews, so everyone can read it. Join them today.

Image: James Cridland

“Podcast Election” reflected in top shows
FEB 6, 2025
“Podcast Election” reflected in top shows

Sponsored by Riverside. Create studio-quality recordings, edit in seconds, and repurpose effortlessly—all with Riverside’s latest updates. Trusted by top podcasters and brands like Tim Ferriss, Ali Abdaal, and Spotify, it’s their go-to creation platform. Try Riverside today and grow your podcast!

> > > Read more of today’s podcast industry news stories on the Podnews website: and get our free daily newsletter.

Classifieds - your job or ad here

  • Podcast Not Growing? — The top website to learn how to podcast just added unlimited one-on-one consulting. Use the coupon PODNEWS to save 20% and have a podcast consultant in your pocket
  • AI Podcast Growth - Get 12% Off Now! — AudienceLift.com: Your AI-Powered Podcast Growth Partner Trusted by industry leaders to grow audiences and build subscriber databases. Start your first campaign today with code Podnews12 for 12% off!

Gold supporters: Buzzsprout, Mowpod, Mamamia, The $100 MBA, Sounds Profitable, The Podglomerate, Cloud10, SALT, Simplecast, Audiohook, Steve Lack: Audio, Resound, RedCircle, Podscribe, audioBoom, Cohost, Riverside.fm, Jar Audio, Podchaser, Awesound, Acast, We Edit Podcasts, Disctopia, Knucklehead Media Group, Podpage websites, Evergreen Podcasts, Libsyn

Silver supporters: Storic Media, Audacia Audio, Bumper, PodLabs - Podcast Experimentatio, Magellan AI, Compliance Podcast Network, Red Seat Ventures, Ausha, ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Aust, Voxtopica, Huberman Lab, Podium , Gilded Audio, Ask Ralph Christian Finance, Frequency, Truefans, Gumball, Deepcast Creator, Storyboard, Tink Media, The Podcast Haven, SoundStack, POW PR, Jonekiri, PlayPodcast, The Roost, Podcastpage, Message Heard, Health Podcast Network, Transistor, Ossa Collective, Diversion Podcasts, Sonic Influencer Marketing, Podcast Taxi, Rephonic, Headliner, Optimal Living Daily, Rhapsody Voices, Blubrry, Oxford Road, matchmaker.fm, Wondery, Jam Street Media, Zvook, Double Elvis Productions, Lemonada Media, Castos, Heartcast Media50, Podcast Partnership, Content10x, StreamGuys, Hear.Here.Singapore, Ad Results Media, She Podcasts, Cleanfeed, Lower Street, Sonix, Revolver Podcasts, Adopter Media, School of Podcasting, Podcast Movement, Podigy, Edison Research, Signal Hill Insights

Our supporters pay for Podnews, so everyone can read it. Join them today.

Image: David Everett Strickler
