Jason Harnett USTA Head Coach Wheel Chair Tennis

APR 23, 202064 MIN
Coach Steve Clark PhD Show

Jason Harnett USTA Head Coach Wheel Chair Tennis

APR 23, 202064 MIN


Hello everyone, this is Steve Clark, and thanks so much for tuning in to the show. I’d like to thank Wayne Bryan for the intro and Mike n Bob Bryan for the music. A special thanks to all they do for tennis through the Bryan Bro foundation and more. If you are ready to be inspired, challenged, and want to share one of my shows with everyone you know, today is your day. I will do a 1000 pushups if you can listen to this podcast in its entirety and NOT have it affect your appreciation for what you have, your learning something new, or motivate you to greater things. Today my guest, Jason Harnett and I will be discussing wheelchair tennis not only in the US but around the world. Players both young and old, parents, and coaches, will be changed. You will not be the same not because of what Jason has done but because of what the players and leaders in WheelChair tennis are doing and what Jason is sharing today. Be sure to see CoachSteveClarkPhD.Com