It is baseball playoff time and who better to talk with than a baseball &amp; passion expert Billy Pinckney, from Batboy Productions. Billy is from NJ and is baseball &amp; sports lover. As a recent graduate from Montclair St. University, Billy is making his was through the sports industry, one pitch at a time.  He is former college baseball player &amp; also the author of Passion Prevails.  Join us LIVE at 8: 15 am on Sunday morning, October 6th 2024.

You can learn more at <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVR6UWpvdkFrWUt0ZnFmdXg4T0NYaERGZ0dTZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsMHEyUmRHQkthR3R6bGxNZ2dvVGttWVJWOWUxbmRPSS16M3pkcWZaNUM0WWZ6WGJQMUp1YTBZMHlFY3JGYm1ROEU4dktaMmxPeFMtMHBWSDdkZHh5WVBkODlwUE04cUdfNGR4VEEyM2FHMi1ZcmFHNA&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.billythebatboy.com%2F&amp;v=af2GCx2KdwU" target="_blank" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer">https://www.billythebatboy.com/</a>

This podcast is sponsored by IXL Personalized Learning. IXL is used by more than 1 million teachers each day. It is also the most widely used online learning and teaching platform for K-12. Learn more here: ixl.com/elb


#ELB Education Leadership and Beyond

Education Leadership and Beyond with Andrew Marotta - Education Podcast Network

#ELB Podcast with Billy the Batboy Billy Pinckney

OCT 6, 202438 MIN
#ELB Education Leadership and Beyond

#ELB Podcast with Billy the Batboy Billy Pinckney

OCT 6, 202438 MIN


<p> It is baseball playoff time and who better to talk with than a baseball &amp; passion expert Billy Pinckney, from Batboy Productions. Billy is from NJ and is baseball &amp; sports lover. As a recent graduate from Montclair St. University, Billy is making his was through the sports industry, one pitch at a time. He is former college baseball player &amp; also the author of Passion Prevails. Join us LIVE at 8: 15 am on Sunday morning, October 6th 2024. You can learn more at <a href="https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVR6UWpvdkFrWUt0ZnFmdXg4T0NYaERGZ0dTZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsMHEyUmRHQkthR3R6bGxNZ2dvVGttWVJWOWUxbmRPSS16M3pkcWZaNUM0WWZ6WGJQMUp1YTBZMHlFY3JGYm1ROEU4dktaMmxPeFMtMHBWSDdkZHh5WVBkODlwUE04cUdfNGR4VEEyM2FHMi1ZcmFHNA&amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.billythebatboy.com%2F&amp;v=af2GCx2KdwU" target="_blank" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer">https://www.billythebatboy.com/</a> This podcast is sponsored by IXL Personalized Learning. IXL is used by more than 1 million teachers each day. It is also the most widely used online learning and teaching platform for K-12. Learn more here: ixl.com/elb </p>