Microbe Minded Podcast
Amy Proal
Exploring human microbiome research.
Recent Episodes
APR 16, 2018
Re-thinking the theory of autoimmunity in the era of the microbiome
Re-thinking the theory of autoimmunity in the era…
17 MIN
MAR 31, 2018
Antibiotics, immunosuppressive drugs and the downfall of the human immune system
Today I’ll discuss two more factors that can debi…
23 MIN
MAR 12, 2018
The power of intracellular pathogens: how they “take down” the immune system
The power of intracellular pathogens: how they “t…
16 MIN
MAR 3, 2018
Towards a more nuanced view of the human microbiome: pathogens and evolution
Towards a more nuanced view of the human microbio…
17 MIN
FEB 3, 2018
20 Questions for Gurol Suel: biofilm electrical communication
Gürol Süel is a Professor of Molecular Biology an…
43 MIN
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