<description>&lt;p&gt;Join the EMGuidewire team from Carolinas Medical Center's Emergency Medicine Residency Program as Drs. Calienes Cerpa and Bissell gather together to discuss another great case filled with learning points. In this episode, they review myositis in a pediatric patient.&lt;/p&gt;</description>

EMGuidewire's Podcast

EMGuideWire Team - From Carolinas Medical Center Emergency Medicine Residen

Intern Nuggets #4 2023: Myositis

MAR 31, 20237 MIN
EMGuidewire's Podcast

Intern Nuggets #4 2023: Myositis

MAR 31, 20237 MIN


Join the EMGuidewire team from Carolinas Medical Center's Emergency Medicine Residency Program as Drs. Calienes Cerpa and Bissell gather together to discuss another great case filled with learning points. In this episode, they review myositis in a pediatric patient.