Countdown To Classic
Joshua Corbett
A WoW Classic podcast where it's not my opinion that counts, but yours!
Recent Episodes
OCT 17, 2024
The War Within Me
The War Within is now almost 2 months old and the honeymoon period is over. As is tradition, we grab the amazing hosts of The Starting Zone, Jason and Spencer, to chat with the Countdown crew about their thoughts on the expanions so far, and talk some...
265 MIN
OCT 3, 2024
SoDcast 30 - pEeVeEpEe
Phase 5 is here with some funny chnages to PvP. Arcos chimes in on what's going and and after that we get a rare Josh monologue and then touch on a Phase 5 preview that was recorded a week before the phase dropped! - PvP changes - 2:05 - Josh...
209 MIN
SEP 16, 2024
SoDcast 29 - Oceanic Flight 815
Phase 4 is almost in the books so it's time to give it a review from the Countdown callers as we look back on a phase that arguably saved SoD. After that, we touch on more of the server consolidation conversation and what it means for the Oceanic...
136 MIN
SEP 10, 2024
Shamanistic Rage
As we look ahead to whatever is coming next for the Classic franchise, the community turns its eye to what the classes may look like going forward if the Classic team doesn't wind up going with the 1.12 version of the game. We also touch on some guild...
192 MIN
SEP 4, 2024
SoDcast 28 - Survey Says
Phase 5 is around the corner and the Countdown crew looks ahead to some things that we know, and some things that we're guessing, are coming to SoD. After that, we turn to the analysis of the results from Ubiquitous' huge Classic Plus survey. - Phase...
256 MIN
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