<description>&lt;div&gt;This is part three of Kristin’s seven-part series on Lucille Ball. The entire series is out now on Kristin's new podcast, &lt;a href="https://audioboom.com/channels/5130139.rss"&gt;An Old Timey Podcast&lt;/a&gt;. If you enjoy it, please subscribe to an Old Timey Podcast! &lt;/div&gt;

Let's Go To Court!

Let's Go To Court!

295: OTP: Lucy’s Career Hits the Fan! (Part 3)

JUL 10, 2024122 MIN
Let's Go To Court!

295: OTP: Lucy’s Career Hits the Fan! (Part 3)

JUL 10, 2024122 MIN


<div>This is part three of Kristin’s seven-part series on Lucille Ball. The entire series is out now on Kristin's new podcast, <a href="https://audioboom.com/channels/5130139.rss">An Old Timey Podcast</a>. If you enjoy it, please subscribe to an Old Timey Podcast! </div>