Encounter Church
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Encounter Church

Encounter Church



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Recent Episodes

God Keeps ALL of His Promises!
SEP 15, 2024
God Keeps ALL of His Promises!

It has been on my heart for a long time that God is the One who keeps all His promises. I write “One” because He alone is able to keep His promises. Scripture tells us not to make promises. Matt. 5:37 “But let your statement be, ‘Yes, yes’ or ‘No, no’; anything beyond these is of evil.
I believe the reason why God does not want us to make oaths or promises is because we can’t guarantee that they will happen. God is the only One who can guarantee that it will happen.
He did with old Abraham. He promised him a son, and He did it.
‘God said, “Abram, don’t be afraid. I will defend you. And I will give you a great reward.” But Abram said, “Lord God, what can you give me? I have no son. So my slave Eliezer from Damascus will get everything I own after I die.” Abram said, “Look, you have given me no son. So a slave born in my house will inherit everything I have.” Then the Lord spoke his word to Abram. He said, “That slave will not be the one to inherit what you have. You will have a son of your own. And your son will inherit what you have.” Then God led Abram outside. God said, “Look at the sky. There are so many stars you cannot count them. And your descendants will be too many to count.” Abram believed the Lord. And the Lord accepted Abram’s faith, and that faith made him right with God.’ – Genesis 15:1-6
So, Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the appointed time of which God had spoken to him. – Genesis 12:2

Think About It:
God keeps ALL His Promises.


Please start each day this week by thanking God that you can trust what He says, He will do. Praise Him because He is faithful. That is to say that what He says He will do, He does at His appointed time.
We might make a promise and then things outside of our control happen. When they do, they can cause or promises not to come about. Thinking that we can guarantee our words is not right. Only God can guarantee that the things He declares will actually happen. Remember His faithfulness, always.

Just read about God’s promise to Abraham-

‘When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. The Lord said, “I am God All-Powerful. Obey me and do what is right. I will make an agreement between us. I will make you the ancestor of many people.” Then Abram bowed facedown on the ground. God said to him, “I am making my agreement with you: I will make you the father of many nations. I am changing your name from Abram to Abraham. This is because I am making you a father of many nations. I will give you many descendants. New nations will be born from you. Kings will come from you. And I will make an agreement between me and you and all your descendants from now on: I will be your God and the God of all your descendants. You live in the land of Canaan now as a stranger. But I will give you and your descendants all this land forever. And I will be the God of your descendants.”’ – Genesis 17:1-8

‘The Lord cared for Sarah as he had said. He did for her what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant. And she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. Everything happened at the time God had said it would. Abraham named his son Isaac. Sarah gave birth to this son of Abraham. Abraham circumcised Isaac when he was eight days old as God had commanded. Abraham was 100 years old when his son Isaac was born. And Sarah said, “God has made me laugh. Everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.’ – Genesis 21:1-6

Group Questions:

1. Does your trust in God grow knowing He keeps all His promises?
2. What can God not do?
3. God makes promises and He keeps. Do you believe this?
4. What is God promising you?

This week, I want to ask you about your God Encounters.
If you have not encountered God this week, I want you to be on the lookout for Him.
When we take the time to seek Him with our whole hearts, we will find Him. That is a promise from the only one who is able to keep His promises.

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
– Jeremiah 29:13

There are many rewards in God’s Kingdom. There are rewards in the kingdom of heaven for the good works we do here on Earth. However, there are also rewards that we can have here on Earth when we follow His commands.
How many can you think of? I will give you a dollar for each one you tell me on Sunday.

Upcoming Events

Movie on the Lawn: September 27th. 7 pm -Wonder
Lads & Ladies Laser Tag: September 29th 1:00-3:00
Christmas Cookie Decorating: December 7th. 10am-12:30pm

I love knowing and experiencing God’s faithfulness. He creates a desire in one of His servants/friends and then He starts to fullfill the desire.
A few weeks ago, a few of our children’s ministers felt that God wanted to bring kindergarten and first grade together as a class. He then grew that understanding to include second grade. From there, He started to bring volunteers forward so that we could accomplish His vision.

Proverbs 16:1 The plans of the heart belong to man,
but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD.
Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

$10 Memory Verse:
– ‘Your kingdom will continue forever. And you will be King from now on. The Lord will keep His promises. With love He takes care of all He has made.’
o Psalms 145:13

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