It's episode 7 of 3withZee!  This weeks topics are the new HBO show Barry, Fallout 4, and Geek War! Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings.  The guys go international discussing accents in sci fi, shopping addiction, and peculiar gaming habits.  It's a riot.

11:17 HBO's Barry
21:23 Fallout 4
32:20 Zee tells a sad sad story
44:08 Nerdfight/Geek WAR!  What is better: Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings

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3 With Zee


Episode 7 - Who is Lily?

APR 7, 201871 MIN
3 With Zee

Episode 7 - Who is Lily?

APR 7, 201871 MIN


It's episode 7 of 3withZee! This weeks topics are the new HBO show Barry, Fallout 4, and Geek War! Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings. The guys go international discussing accents in sci fi, shopping addiction, and peculiar gaming habits. It's a riot. 11:17 HBO's Barry 21:23 Fallout 4 32:20 Zee tells a sad sad story 44:08 Nerdfight/Geek WAR! What is better: Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings email us at to complain or comment