Episode 42: Melissa Bond, Journalist - A Decision to Hold on a Taper

JUL 27, 202252 MIN
Benzodiazepine Awareness with Geraldine Burns

Episode 42: Melissa Bond, Journalist - A Decision to Hold on a Taper

JUL 27, 202252 MIN


<p>Melissa Bond is a narrative journalist and poet. In the years of her dependence on benzodiazepines, Melissa blogged and became a regular contributor for Mad in America.   ABC World News Tonight interviewed her for a piece in January 2014. Melissa is a respected writer on the perils of over-prescribing benzodiazepines and has been featured on PBS Story in the Public Square, Radio West, the podcasts Risk!, IGNTD, and Psychology Unplugged. The Salt Lake Tribune and the New York Post have both done features on Bond's book Blood Orange Night, her memoir about becoming dependent upon and the withdrawal process coming off of benzodiazepines. Blood Orange Night was published by Simon &amp; Schuster in June 2022. Learn more at <a href="http://melissaabond.com/">MelissaABond.com</a></p>