<description>&lt;p&gt;In today’s podcast, we’re joined by Daniel Klein, he runs the boat “Deploy” a custom 58 assegai. He is based on the east coast of Australia, you can check him out at the pursuit of giants game fishing, where you can find a bunch of his awesome marlin adventures. Daniel Klein explains the process and what goes into fighting a giant fish, how to leader the fish, and how to fight the fish so you don&amp;apos;t lose it.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;If you have any requests or awesome guest for the podcast let us know via: podcast@billfish.site&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;If you like the podcast, please support us by checking out some of our latest products, especially the Performance Pants, on&lt;br/&gt;Check out our gear at &lt;a href='https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&amp;amp;redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXlfR2ZZVnNDYVNGODN6SV8zX0hmT3Ytc0dFQXxBQ3Jtc0tueXpCME95WEFEYTdncExHMmhoekl3YmNCdlpzbHhVcEw5aFprZTQtOXlPTGVoTURWWVZvVGpDY1RKcWg2aDhiakZJSzNPTm9GanVaNnhzSjFOcmMxQzYwa1FvMmZfcFdWNU5CM2dJVVYzR0VVSkdyNA&amp;amp;q=https%3A%2F%2Fbillfishgear.com%2F%3Futm_source%3D..&amp;amp;v=yifxQoPAy-s'&gt;https://billfishgear.com/?utm_source=..&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Billfish Group specializes in enhancing human outdoor performance through technical products. We create products, in all forms, which enhance the outdoor experience both on and off the water. We felt there was a need for true performance wear, as the elements get harsher, it’s up to us to become better. Billfish was created by fishermen, for fishermen with the goal of building a community of outdoors enthusiasts around the globe. We do this through engaging with our community on social media platforms and IRL events.&lt;/p&gt;</description>

State of Sportfishing - Billfish Group

State of Sportfishing - By Billfish Group

The Process with Giant Marlin #throwback FT. Daniel Klein - State of Sportfishing EP87

AUG 22, 202363 MIN
State of Sportfishing - Billfish Group

The Process with Giant Marlin #throwback FT. Daniel Klein - State of Sportfishing EP87

AUG 22, 202363 MIN


In today’s podcast, we’re joined by Daniel Klein, he runs the boat “Deploy” a custom 58 assegai. He is based on the east coast of Australia, you can check him out at the pursuit of giants game fishing, where you can find a bunch of his awesome marlin adventures. Daniel Klein explains the process and what goes into fighting a giant fish, how to leader the fish, and how to fight the fish so you don't lose it.

If you have any requests or awesome guest for the podcast let us know via: [email protected]

If you like the podcast, please support us by checking out some of our latest products, especially the Performance Pants, on
Check out our gear at https://billfishgear.com/?utm_source=...

Billfish Group specializes in enhancing human outdoor performance through technical products. We create products, in all forms, which enhance the outdoor experience both on and off the water. We felt there was a need for true performance wear, as the elements get harsher, it’s up to us to become better. Billfish was created by fishermen, for fishermen with the goal of building a community of outdoors enthusiasts around the globe. We do this through engaging with our community on social media platforms and IRL events.