On Da’ KissAss Kool
On Da’ KissAss Kool

On Da’ KissAss Kool

HaLLé Rashad Haughton



Diverse relationship topics that will DEFINITELY pull you in and grab your attention and peak your curiosity. My name is HaLLé & my co hosts and I invite you to come and catch this vibe, relax your mind & take it easy. Conversation starters and perspectives that will open your mind and compel you to join in the conversation. ...And The Adventure Begins! ✨😎DON’T FORGET TO LEAVE US VOICE MESSAGES AND EXPRESS YOURSELF. LET US KNOW WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND & LET’S EXPLORE! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/HaLLéRashadHaughton/support

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