<description>Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Welcome to our first Friday Live of the Fall 2015 season! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:There’s an LTA for that! Where we will be exchanging favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Our Presenters for today are: Stephen Kaufman, Senior Instructional Designer, Quality Matters Coordinator / CRM, The University of AkronPenny Kuckkahn, Instructional Designer, Nicolet CollegeDale Parker, Senior Faculty at Cambridge College with others chiming in along the way. Our Voice of Chat (VoC) for today is David Parker. Many thanks to all! Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Hello. VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:volume is better, but seems a little mushy VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:better, a little echo kind of thing? Dale Parker:yes, mushy to me too Dale Parker:the echo is gone VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:steve can you reduce bass a bit? VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:i meant in the volume control but maybe you don't have a bass section VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:adobe connect talks about mp3 player Michael Dabney:Mike Dabney, ret Teaching Ctr director, Hawaii Pacific Univ, Honolulu. Currently in flight between SFO and JFK unable to use mic, can only play thru chat Michael Dabney:ALOHA! Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:In flight? Gotta love that on board wifi! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Welcome Mike Dabney, and thanks for the description of who you are and where you are at - at the moment. Exactly what we like to see and invite everyone else to do! Michael Dabney:Jet Blue free wifi, the best Dale Parker:wow, impressive Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:At least you're not streaming Netflix and taking up all the bandwidth right? ;) VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:looks like it does need to be an mp3 Dale Parker:LOL VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:i'd converted it on my computer, but didn't have a chance to upload. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Thanks David - looks like we were all trying the same thing! VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:great minds and all that...:P Mary-Margaret Kantor:Director of Learning Outcomes Assessment, Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, NC. Constantly looking for things to share with faculty to make assessments more engaging and interactive Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:I know I had trouble logging in. I had to go to Explorer to make it work. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Sending the full link is a good idea. Dale Parker:Welcome Mary Margaret VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:i couldn't get explorer to load flash..so i'm back with chrome..:P Penny Kuckkahn - Nicolet College:It is beautiful in Northern Wisconsin today Dale Parker:I am using firefox Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:I am here in Beth's stead - should you need any tech support or backup. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Do yoiu need an intro to Adobe Connect today? Carie Whitehead:Hello! This is Carie, an Instructional Developer at Central Piedmont Community College. Mary-Margaret Kantor:Oh yes, that would still be true for our IDs--4 serve many, many faculty Ilene Frank:I'm a actively-retired librarian currently working at Hillsborough Community College in Tampa where it is tooooo hot! Carie Whitehead:LOL! We now have more space, but not enough support people JMcColgan:Hi! I'm Janna, another Instructional Developer in the Central Piedmont Community College broom closet VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:never enough support people....;-) Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:@Carie - so true for so many! Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:more like a day or two Dale Parker:Cambridge College center in Springfield has one tech person in a little bigger than a closet Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:I'm here @ TLT Group South - in Greenville, SC Carie Whitehead:We have a new Instructional dEveloper starting next week, so we are our way to being less understaffed Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:My pleasure! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:As noted above, David Parker is our Voice of Chat today. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Or... Beth who isn't and Bonnie who is here today (that's me!) Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:David, Dale and Steve K all checked their mics - and all sounded great in the early bird session. It's only Penny who will surprise us with her lovely voice. Jackie Regan:got it Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:ASU Online Digital Learning Platform: http:http://..teachonline.asu.edu/platform/ Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:http://ift.tt/1Df8dTT Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:SO COOL! Carie Whitehead:croos platform and cross browser use rbelair:considering variability of learners and access Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:This is my first time seeing the ASU image. While it's small/hard to see, I really like it and it's worth digging down into it. Love the live interactivity of it! khughes@mail.sdsu.edu:browser incompatibility Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:What is a big challenge when you try to make info accessibel to students via electronic media? Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:"Having to pay to play" Dale Parker:yes devices Carie Whitehead:reading level appropriateness Melissa Felland:simple directions/ease of use for students, across browsers, what are students using as devices khughes@mail.sdsu.edu:apps tend to be more reliable than browsers Ilene Frank:No matter how straightforward and simple the tool, a few students will be confused. Carie Whitehead:finding videos (esp on YouTube) with proper closed captioning Mike Welker (NC State College):managing ROI of orientation to bang for the buck of how much it moves the needle Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Apps and sites that cost money, yes Dwayne Harapnuik:technological apathy Dale Parker:comfort with computers in general Tom Tu@UW-Superior:Transcription and caption for videos khughes@mail.sdsu.edu:Making instructions clear Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants in your course Jackie Regan:bridging laggards with early adopters Carie Whitehead:ease of access for the students (ie not needing to create a full profile or give extensive info) to the 3rd party before accessing JMcColgan:public informational links/YouTube videos without annoying adverts Tom Tu@UW-Superior:copyrighted materials Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Good point David... access to online Carie Whitehead:older stuff that still uses Flash and doesn't work in iDevices Penny Kuckkahn - Nicolet College:Rural areas also have access problems. - we still have students on dial-up Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:@Penny - cost and bandwidth access limits are soooo important to be sensitive to. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Everyone is welcome to share their favorite LTAs - just let us know here in chat - what you have and how you want to share. Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:Next week - Sept 18 FridayLive! will focus mostly on "accessibility" vis a vis disabiilities and resources for accomodating them Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:"Universal Design" Sept 18 2pm Eastern&lt;br /&gt;
&lt;br /&gt;
from Gmail&lt;br /&gt;
admin@adobeconnect.com via &lt;a href="http://ift.tt/16Xitlp"&gt;IFTTT&lt;/a&gt;


gilbert@tltgroup.org (Steven W. Gilbert, The TLT Group)

Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from FridayLive! Fall 2015 There’s an LTA for that! Someone emailed an LTA to me via Gmail today

SEP 11, 2015-1 MIN

Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript from FridayLive! Fall 2015 There’s an LTA for that! Someone emailed an LTA to me via Gmail today

SEP 11, 2015-1 MIN


Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Welcome to our first Friday Live of the Fall 2015 season! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:There’s an LTA for that! Where we will be exchanging favorite new/recent LTAs. [LTA=Low-Threshold App/Activity etc.] Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Our Presenters for today are: Stephen Kaufman, Senior Instructional Designer, Quality Matters Coordinator / CRM, The University of AkronPenny Kuckkahn, Instructional Designer, Nicolet CollegeDale Parker, Senior Faculty at Cambridge College with others chiming in along the way. Our Voice of Chat (VoC) for today is David Parker. Many thanks to all! Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Hello. VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:volume is better, but seems a little mushy VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:better, a little echo kind of thing? Dale Parker:yes, mushy to me too Dale Parker:the echo is gone VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:steve can you reduce bass a bit? VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:i meant in the volume control but maybe you don't have a bass section VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:adobe connect talks about mp3 player Michael Dabney:Mike Dabney, ret Teaching Ctr director, Hawaii Pacific Univ, Honolulu. Currently in flight between SFO and JFK unable to use mic, can only play thru chat Michael Dabney:ALOHA! Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:In flight? Gotta love that on board wifi! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Welcome Mike Dabney, and thanks for the description of who you are and where you are at - at the moment. Exactly what we like to see and invite everyone else to do! Michael Dabney:Jet Blue free wifi, the best Dale Parker:wow, impressive Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:At least you're not streaming Netflix and taking up all the bandwidth right? ;) VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:looks like it does need to be an mp3 Dale Parker:LOL VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:i'd converted it on my computer, but didn't have a chance to upload. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Thanks David - looks like we were all trying the same thing! VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:great minds and all that...:P Mary-Margaret Kantor:Director of Learning Outcomes Assessment, Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, NC. Constantly looking for things to share with faculty to make assessments more engaging and interactive Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:I know I had trouble logging in. I had to go to Explorer to make it work. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Sending the full link is a good idea. Dale Parker:Welcome Mary Margaret VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:i couldn't get explorer to load flash..so i'm back with chrome..:P Penny Kuckkahn - Nicolet College:It is beautiful in Northern Wisconsin today Dale Parker:I am using firefox Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:I am here in Beth's stead - should you need any tech support or backup. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Do yoiu need an intro to Adobe Connect today? Carie Whitehead:Hello! This is Carie, an Instructional Developer at Central Piedmont Community College. Mary-Margaret Kantor:Oh yes, that would still be true for our IDs--4 serve many, many faculty Ilene Frank:I'm a actively-retired librarian currently working at Hillsborough Community College in Tampa where it is tooooo hot! Carie Whitehead:LOL! We now have more space, but not enough support people JMcColgan:Hi! I'm Janna, another Instructional Developer in the Central Piedmont Community College broom closet VOC - David Parker - AWC - Yuma, AZ:never enough support people....;-) Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:@Carie - so true for so many! Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:more like a day or two Dale Parker:Cambridge College center in Springfield has one tech person in a little bigger than a closet Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:I'm here @ TLT Group South - in Greenville, SC Carie Whitehead:We have a new Instructional dEveloper starting next week, so we are our way to being less understaffed Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:My pleasure! Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:As noted above, David Parker is our Voice of Chat today. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Or... Beth who isn't and Bonnie who is here today (that's me!) Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:David, Dale and Steve K all checked their mics - and all sounded great in the early bird session. It's only Penny who will surprise us with her lovely voice. Jackie Regan:got it Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:ASU Online Digital Learning Platform: http:http://..teachonline.asu.edu/platform/ Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:http://ift.tt/1Df8dTT Sally Gilbert, TLT Group:SO COOL! Carie Whitehead:croos platform and cross browser use rbelair:considering variability of learners and access Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:This is my first time seeing the ASU image. While it's small/hard to see, I really like it and it's worth digging down into it. Love the live interactivity of it! khughes@mail.sdsu.edu:browser incompatibility Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:What is a big challenge when you try to make info accessibel to students via electronic media? Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:"Having to pay to play" Dale Parker:yes devices Carie Whitehead:reading level appropriateness Melissa Felland:simple directions/ease of use for students, across browsers, what are students using as devices khughes@mail.sdsu.edu:apps tend to be more reliable than browsers Ilene Frank:No matter how straightforward and simple the tool, a few students will be confused. Carie Whitehead:finding videos (esp on YouTube) with proper closed captioning Mike Welker (NC State College):managing ROI of orientation to bang for the buck of how much it moves the needle Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Apps and sites that cost money, yes Dwayne Harapnuik:technological apathy Dale Parker:comfort with computers in general Tom Tu@UW-Superior:Transcription and caption for videos khughes@mail.sdsu.edu:Making instructions clear Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants in your course Jackie Regan:bridging laggards with early adopters Carie Whitehead:ease of access for the students (ie not needing to create a full profile or give extensive info) to the 3rd party before accessing JMcColgan:public informational links/YouTube videos without annoying adverts Tom Tu@UW-Superior:copyrighted materials Steve Kaufman | The University of Akron:Good point David... access to online Carie Whitehead:older stuff that still uses Flash and doesn't work in iDevices Penny Kuckkahn - Nicolet College:Rural areas also have access problems. - we still have students on dial-up Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:@Penny - cost and bandwidth access limits are soooo important to be sensitive to. Bonnie Mullinix, TLT Group:Everyone is welcome to share their favorite LTAs - just let us know here in chat - what you have and how you want to share. Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:Next week - Sept 18 FridayLive! will focus mostly on "accessibility" vis a vis disabiilities and resources for accomodating them Steve Gilbert, TLT Group:"Universal Design" Sept 18 2pm Eastern<br /> <br /> from Gmail<br /> admin@adobeconnect.com via <a href="http://ift.tt/16Xitlp">IFTTT</a>