IRA Men's Lightweight 8 Final

JUN 10, 2008-1 MIN
Friends of Cal Crew Video Archive

IRA Men's Lightweight 8 Final

JUN 10, 2008-1 MIN


<div class="hVlog" style="text-align: center"><br /><a href="" class="hVlogTarget" type="video/quicktime" onclick="vPIPPlay(this, 'width=640, height=376, name=IRAML8', '', 'active=true, caption=IRA Mens Lightweight 8 Championship'); return false;"><img src="" /></a><br /></div><br />With spectacular rowing over the final 500 meters, Cornell overtakes Princeton to win the lightweight national championship. Click the picture to watch, or download the movie (to download on a PC, right-click and "save target as.." and on a Mac, ctrl-click and "Download Linked File"). 67 MB, 6:08. <a href="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" onclick="vPIPPlay(this, 'width=640, height=376, flv=true', 'bufferlength=5', 'active=true, caption=IRA Mens Lightweight 8 Championship'); return false;">Flash version</a>.