IRA Men's Second Varsity 8 Grand Final

JUN 16, 2008-1 MIN
Friends of Cal Crew Video Archive

IRA Men's Second Varsity 8 Grand Final

JUN 16, 2008-1 MIN


<div class="hVlog" style="text-align: center"><br /><a href="" class="hVlogTarget" type="video/quicktime" onclick="vPIPPlay(this, 'width=640, height=376, name=IRAM2V8', '', 'active=true, caption=IRA Mens Second Varsity 8 Championship'); return false;"><img src="" /></a><br /></div><br />Washington dukes it out with California and Wisconsin on their way to answering IRA announcer Fred Schoch's question, "Who wants it?". Click the picture to watch, or download the movie (to download on a PC, right-click and "save target as.." and on a Mac, ctrl-click and "Download Linked File"). 70 MB, 6:25. <a href="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" onclick="vPIPPlay(this, 'width=640, height=376, flv=true', 'bufferlength=5', 'active=true, caption=IRA Mens Second Varsity 8 Championship'); return false;">Flash version</a>.