In this thought-provoking episode of Trash Talk, host Garett, dives deep with Dr. Greg Pursley, aka Dr. G, the founder of the "Fix Your BS" movement. They unpack transformative insights about belief systems, personal growth, and taking responsibility for your life. Dr. G shares his journey from owning his job as a chiropractor to becoming a business owner and personal coach, helping people reprogram their minds for success.Key topics include:Breaking free from limiting beliefs about money, re...

Trash Talk

Garett Larson

Dr. Greg Pursley

NOV 21, 202464 MIN
Trash Talk

Dr. Greg Pursley

NOV 21, 202464 MIN


In this thought-provoking episode of Trash Talk, host Garett, dives deep with Dr. Greg Pursley, aka Dr. G, the founder of the "Fix Your BS" movement. They unpack transformative insights about belief systems, personal growth, and taking responsibility for your life. Dr. G shares his journey from owning his job as a chiropractor to becoming a business owner and personal coach, helping people reprogram their minds for success.

Key topics include:

  • Breaking free from limiting beliefs about money, relationships, and self-worth.
  • The real meaning behind "Fix Your BS"—and it’s not what you think.
  • Why your thoughts, emotions, and actions are the only things you control.
  • How authenticity and gratitude can elevate your vibration and attract abundance.
  • Dr. G’s practical advice for entrepreneurs transitioning from key-person dependency to scalable business systems.

Whether you're navigating career challenges, struggling to align your personal and professional life, or looking to shift your mindset for success, this episode is packed with actionable insights. Plus, Dr. G shares how to join his movement and connect with his free resources.

Don’t miss this enlightening episode that could transform the way you think about your life and your future.