Rowdy Moments At Comedy Shows And More w/ Noel Cordeiro

APR 29, 202346 MIN
Varta Lab

Rowdy Moments At Comedy Shows And More w/ Noel Cordeiro

APR 29, 202346 MIN


<p>Welcome to Varta Lab!<br><br>This week on Varta Lab, Aakash &amp; Navin are joined by fellow comedian and host of the Radical Measures Podcast - Noel Cordeiro! <br><br>In the episode, they talked about :<br><br>- Why his RMP co-host &amp; fellow comedian Gaurav Pawar is funny literally ‘everywhere’<br>- Gaurav at open-mics &amp; the ‘g***d mara’ story<br>- When the client doesn’t understand your humor ft. Noel’s fresh writing gig story<br>- Crowd work vs material - a comic’s life<br>- Aakash’s 40 comedy shows in 20 days run<br>- Modern Family - a show sharing the best info about queer icons &amp; more<br>- Silverie’s (Antariksh) unexpected rage moment at this open-mic<br>- Noel's journey from NalaSopara to Thane<br>- The dumb thought of ‘how I dress is how I express’<br>- their favorite pop-cultural references<br>- Lakes &amp; treks from Thane<br>- The essential grandfather story to end the show<br><br>And much more!<br><br>Follow Noel on Instagram at <a href="">@cordeironoel<br><br></a>Subscribe to the<a href=""> Varta Lab YouTube Channel</a> for full video episodes!<br><br>Leave your comments as well!<br><br>Follow our cute hosts:<br><br>Aakash is <a href="">@kuchbhimehta</a> on Instagram<br>Navin is <a href="">@houseofnoronha</a> on Instagram<br><br>Stream the podcast on major platforms:<br><br>Spotify:<a href=""><br></a>Apple Podcasts:<a href=""><br></a>Google Podcasts:<a href=""><br><br></a>And don’t forget to rate us!<br><br>-x-x-x<br><br><strong>Disclaimer:</strong> The views, opinions, and statements expressed in the episodes of the shows hosted on the IVM Podcasts network are solely those of the individual participants, hosts, and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of IVM Podcasts or its management. IVM Podcasts does not endorse or assume responsibility for any content, claims, or representations made by the participants during the shows. This includes, but is not limited to, the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information provided. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. IVM Podcasts is not liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages arising out of or in connection with the use or dissemination of the content featured in the shows. Listener discretion is advised.</p><p>See <a href=""></a> for privacy information.</p>