<description>&lt;p&gt;The Executive Director and co-founder of Zoological Disaster Response, Rescue and Recovery (&lt;a href= "https://www.zdr3.org"&gt;ZDR3&lt;/a&gt;), Julia Wilder returns to discuss her organization's efforts to assist zoological facilities in the wake of back-to-back hurricanes, Helene and Milton.  With nearly 200 USDA licensed animal facilities joined together to provide mutual aid to institutions in distress, ZDR3 has already surpassed all expectations in its 5-year history. Julia describes her team's actions prior to, during and following these most recent devastating storms, as well as, ideas to enhance and improve national coordination so that mutual aid meets facilities where they are and provides them what they need, not just what people want to offer.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;a href="https://animalcaresoftware.com"&gt;Animal Care Software&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</description>

Zoo Logic

Dr. Grey Stafford

Zoological Recovery From Helene and Milton

OCT 31, 202437 MIN
Zoo Logic

Zoological Recovery From Helene and Milton

OCT 31, 202437 MIN


The Executive Director and co-founder of Zoological Disaster Response, Rescue and Recovery (ZDR3), Julia Wilder returns to discuss her organization's efforts to assist zoological facilities in the wake of back-to-back hurricanes, Helene and Milton.  With nearly 200 USDA licensed animal facilities joined together to provide mutual aid to institutions in distress, ZDR3 has already surpassed all expectations in its 5-year history. Julia describes her team's actions prior to, during and following these most recent devastating storms, as well as, ideas to enhance and improve national coordination so that mutual aid meets facilities where they are and provides them what they need, not just what people want to offer.

Animal Care Software