#012 How to Get Over Perfectionism So You Can Finally Launch Your Business

NOV 5, 201812 MIN
Refuse Defeat with Megan

#012 How to Get Over Perfectionism So You Can Finally Launch Your Business

NOV 5, 201812 MIN



If you have ever thought I’m nervous what blah blah blah will think. What if people unfollow me. What if they talk bad about me this interview is for you!

As I interview people, it is the exact message I needed to hear that day. It has been the craziest circumstances, but very eye opening. Monique hit on perfection and not worrying about other opinions.

I have yet to meet someone that hasn’t suffered from 1 of these 2 issues, if not both!

Being too perfect can be a barrier to entry for you + finally launching your business. Evaluate what is benefiting you and what is limiting. Recognize things can be excellent without being perfect, and they are still very good. It is ok to revise!

Think about YOUR why and why it is important to you. Why is your passion important + why does someone else’s opinion matter to me. Your passion is going to help you help people, show people the correct way of doing something, and bring financial abundance in your life.

Why are you letting someone else’s opinion get in the way of your happiness!

Once you know your why, the messaging behind your why just may show that what is important to you and they can get on board or move.

Keep in mind if you are hiding from perfection or opinions of others people are not benefiting from your messaging, your why, and you.




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