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We Love Wednesdays Every Thursday
Anthony Cooley
This is We Love Wednesdays Every Thursday, a podcast where we review the best comics of the week and discuss the key issues you should be keeping and eye out for if you are looking for a good investment!
Recent Episodes
SEP 30, 2018
Featuring Bruce Wang
Batman Damned, Action Comics, Jessica Jones, Extermination, Amazing Spider-Man, Multiple Man and more!
54 MIN
SEP 16, 2018
You Never Think It Will Happen To You!
Fantastic Four, Iceman, Champions, Infinity Wars, The Wrong Earth, Snot Girl
39 MIN
SEP 8, 2018
It’s all connected
Cover, Batman, The Walking Dead, Thanos Legacy, Cosmic Ghost Rider, Asgardians of the Galaxy, Donnie Cates, Brian Michael Bendis, Tom King, Robert Kirkman, Cullen Bunn, Gerry Duggan Spider-Man PS4, Iron Fist
43 MIN
AUG 24, 2018
Episode 9: Robots, Landsharks, Bullets and Hearts!
Action Comics #1002, Punisher #1, West Coast Avengers #1, Die! Die! Die! #2, Tony Stark: Iron Man #3, Mr. & Mrs. X #2, Riri Williams: Iron Heart and Donnie Yen as Batman!
55 MIN
AUG 18, 2018
Episode 9: Crowded
Cooley and Roberto discuss this week’s books including Crowded #1, Multiple Man #3, Pearl #1, Luke Cage #1&2, Extermination #1 and more!
See all episodes