Morag Bond and Kate Reader, the joint general managers of The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Inquiry team discuss its ground-breaking inquiry into digital platforms.

Competition Lore Podcast

Competition Lore

Downunder's Dive into Digital Platforms

SEP 18, 201937 MIN
Competition Lore Podcast

Downunder's Dive into Digital Platforms

SEP 18, 201937 MIN


The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has completed its ground-breaking inquiry into digital platforms. What distinguishes this inquiry from many others is its broad holistic approach to competition, consumer, unfair trading, privacy and public interest issues.  It has a focus on the media and advertising sectors but, if accepted, many of its 23 recommendations will have economy-wide effects.

In this episode you will hear from Morag Bond and Kate Reader, the joint general managers of the Inquiry team. We discuss the methods employed for information-gathering in the Inquiry, how hotly contested issues were dealt with and the thinking behind the key conclusions and proposals for reform.

You can find the website with all the documents relevant to the ACCC Digital Platforms Inquiry here. And if you would like to read my short article on ten key take outs from the Final Report, you can find that here.

Featuring regular cut-through interviews with leading thinkers, movers and shakers, Competition Loreis a podcast series that engages us all in a debate about the transformative potential and risks of digitalised competition.

JoinCaron Beaton-Wells, Professor in Competition Law at the University of Melbourne, to tackle what it means to participate as a competitor, consumer or citizen in a digital economy and society.

Competition Loreis produced by Written & Recorded

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