006 – Design For Posterity: Jay Nelson

JAN 30, 201944 MIN
Creators & Innovators

006 – Design For Posterity: Jay Nelson

JAN 30, 201944 MIN


<p>Welcome back to Creators &#38; Innovators, where we seek to distill the character traits and motivations of creatives in hopes of developing a blueprint for how to disrupt norms and innovate in one’s own space. Today we bring you a conversation with San Francisco painter, surfboard shaper, and architect, Jay Nelson. Jay details the importance of &#8230; </p> <p class="link-more"><a href="https://surfsplendorpodcast.com/006-jay-nelson/" class="more-link">Continue reading<span class="screen-reader-text"> "006 &#8211; Design For Posterity: Jay Nelson"</span></a></p> <p>The post <a href="https://surfsplendorpodcast.com/006-jay-nelson/">006 &#8211; Design For Posterity: Jay Nelson</a> appeared first on <a href="https://surfsplendorpodcast.com">Surf Splendor </a>.</p>