Fantastic Worlds: A Pathfinder Podcast - Official Partner of Paizo
Fantastic Worlds: A Pathfinder Podcast - Official Partner of Paizo

Fantastic Worlds: A Pathfinder Podcast - Official Partner of Paizo

Fantastic Worlds Productions



It has been a century since the immortal witch Baba Yaga last visited the world, and the hour draws nigh for her return. But when she fails to appear in the frozen realm of Irrisen to usher in its newest ruler, pockets of winter begin to grow throughout the Inner Sea. After 1,400 years of perpetual winter, the icy curse of Irrisen is spreading! What links do these strange blizzards and swaths of wintry landscapes have with Irrisen, and is there any truth to the growing rumors that the Witch Queen Elvanna has taken full control of the realm? Can her plans for the Inner Sea be thwarted, or will the Reign of Winter engulf the world? Five friends come together to discover what ushers in this unnatural winter and the forces in-play threatening all of Golarian.

Recent Episodes

Episode 146 – Sugar High
OCT 19, 2023
Episode 146 – Sugar High

Someone needs to call the exterminators! Or maybe some de-colonizers? The metaphors are becoming mixed, just like how mixed-up Team Torta’s emotions are roiling and boiling. The group needs to squash this foe before moving deeper into the new world to which Baba Yaga’s hut has delivered them!

The Fantastic Worlds Podcast is a Fantastic Worlds Productions.

Theme song created and composed by Amy Hawkenson

Music and Sound by Syrinscape.

Because Epic games need Epic game sounds

Dustin Alexander (@dustinalexander)
Abbie Lammel (@bonanzafamine)
Angel Espinoza (@espinoza916)
Jess Negin (@hanktheclank)
Logan Mayne-Rizzi (@mayneman08)
Heidi Owens (@vamihilion)

Visit our website at

If you enjoy the show, help us out by joining our Patreon at

Additionally, you can help us out by subscribing to our podcast and reviewing us on Apple Podcasts. Help spread the word and telling friends and share on social media using the hashtag #worldstraveler.

Thank you for listening!

91 MIN
Episode 144 – You’re Still My Babe
SEP 20, 2023
Episode 144 – You’re Still My Babe

Though the passage of time erodes all, perhaps there may exist something stronger that connects us all. Mountains become sand, sand becomes glass, glass allows sight and reflections. What happens when confronted with one you loved so far removed? How does Team Torta move on after an occurrence such as this?

The Fantastic Worlds Podcast is a Fantastic Worlds Productions.

Theme song created and composed by Amy Hawkenson

Music and Sound by Syrinscape.

Because Epic games need Epic game sounds

Dustin Alexander (@dustinalexander)
Abbie Lammel (@bonanzafamine)
Angel Espinoza (@espinoza916)
Jess Negin (@hanktheclank)
Logan Mayne-Rizzi (@mayneman08)
Heidi Owens (@vamihilion)

Visit our website at

If you enjoy the show, help us out by joining our Patreon at

Additionally, you can help us out by subscribing to our podcast and reviewing us on Apple Podcasts. Help spread the word and telling friends and share on social media using the hashtag #worldstraveler.

Thank you for listening!

72 MIN
Episode 143 – Shaken, Not Stirred
SEP 6, 2023
Episode 143 – Shaken, Not Stirred

Team Torta gets ready to rumble! But it’s…with one of their own? How can they overcome this! What is the source of this turn of fate! What webs are spun and faces revealed and witchy ways on display! Is this a loss or a win in disguise? The sands of time keep spilling forth. Tick tock. Tick tock.

The Fantastic Worlds Podcast is a Fantastic Worlds Productions.

Theme song created and composed by Amy Hawkenson

Music and Sound by Syrinscape.

Because Epic games need Epic game sounds

Dustin Alexander (@dustinalexander)
Abbie Lammel (@bonanzafamine)
Angel Espinoza (@espinoza916)
Jess Negin (@hanktheclank)
Logan Mayne-Rizzi (@mayneman08)
Heidi Owens (@vamihilion)

Visit our website at

If you enjoy the show, help us out by joining our Patreon at

Additionally, you can help us out by subscribing to our podcast and reviewing us on Apple Podcasts. Help spread the word and telling friends and share on social media using the hashtag #worldstraveler.

Thank you for listening!

-1 MIN