Common Ground YYC – S3E3: Brad Parry, President and CEO, Calgary Economic Development

MAY 2, 2023-1 MIN
Common Ground YYC Archives - LiveWire Calgary

Common Ground YYC – S3E3: Brad Parry, President and CEO, Calgary Economic Development

MAY 2, 2023-1 MIN


<p>Brad Parry, President and CEO of Calgary Economic Development, is excited about where Calgary&#8217;s economy is headed. It really shows when you sit down and chat with him about it. Whether it&#8217;s the energy sector, tech, film and television, or things like potential in AI and quantum computing, you can hear how passionate he is [&#8230;]</p> <p>The post <a href="">Common Ground YYC &#8211; S3E3: Brad Parry, President and CEO, Calgary Economic Development</a> appeared first on <a href="">LiveWire Calgary</a>.</p>