Today's interview is with Oscar Archer. He is an Assistant Production Manager at a malt house in Adelaide, South Australia. Oscar is a passionate advocate for clean reliable energy in Australia and has educated himself (and continues to do so) about Nuclear technology for many years in pursuit of this goal.
He holds a Research Doctorate in Organic Chemistry from University of Adelaide
His Twitter/X handle is @OskaArcher
Oscars linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oscar-archer-b11325103/?originalSubdomain=au
Actinide Age: https://actinideage.wordpress.com/
Oscar's Medium page: https://actinideage.medium.com/
Replanet: https://www.replanet.ngo/
Replanet Australia: https://www.replanet.au/
The Bright New World Website has expired and is currently unavailable. However, the facebook page is still available: https://www.facebook.com/brightnewworld.org/
Along with the Victorian presentation to the state inquiry: https://www.facebook.com/davidlimbrickldp/videos/765330400899165