Darrell and Megan McTague
Much of it is overblown, but there ARE unique challenges we face. Darrell & Megan are here to share them... by sharing their lives.
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So what are we in for, here?If you're expecting a couple of millennials whining about how unfair the world is, you'll be sorely disappointed.
Instead, you're getting Darrell and Megan - they're 30, married, and building a life together. They discovered something recently - while the world pokes fun at millennial stereotypes, some of them are real. And some of them... are very difficult to deal with. Yes, you can make a life together, but that life is very different from the one our parents' generation built, and it'll probably be different from what our kids will get, too. It can be a beautiful life, as long as you navigate it correctly.
In this episode, you'll get a brief, concise idea of what exactly to expect from Living In Stride. It's that simple :)
Stick around for our official launch -
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