Taming The Wolf Show
Taming The Wolf Show
Weekly Podcast show, nothing is off limits!
Recent Episodes
JUN 3, 2019
Taming The Wolf - Episode 28 - My Watch Has Ended
Shitty audio. We will never do this again unless we have to, sorry in advance. This episode is all about the game of thrones finale and what we think.
61 MIN
MAY 13, 2019
Taming The Wolf - Episode 27 - Love You 3000 (Avengers: Endgame Review)
Avengers Endgame Review starts at (26:58) otherwise listen to some GOT disappointment
56 MIN
MAY 6, 2019
Taming The Wolf - Episode 26 - The Gladiator Program
This week is another "hot take" episode. Listen to us discuss different topics in the news including cardi b robbing people.
52 MIN
APR 29, 2019
Taming The Wolf - Episode 25 - Expeditiously
This was a banked episode, but still a hot take on some things!
68 MIN
APR 22, 2019
Taming The Wolf - Episode 24 - I'm George Lucas
Episode 24 is here, the main topic is the new Star Wars trailer that was released and our thoughts on it. Skip to (26:00) if you want to hear us just talk about that. You know the drill!
57 MIN
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