This is the final episode in our Grumbledown series, in which the team successfully assassinated the predatory schoolmasters of Grumbledown's Preparatory Something or other for the whatsits...we never did quite figure out the name.
Having dispatched the Latinmaster, we adjourne to the pub, The Post Plutius. Jon attempts to blind himself, Mike makes excuses for getting his Latin wrong, Jamie makes it all look easy and we all take some time to enjoy Ben's greatest hits.
This is Ben's final episode of The Infinite Escape Room, certainly as a producer, though I'm sure we'll tempt him back as a solver some day!
This episode features: Ben, Mike, Jamie and Jon

The Infinite Escape Room

Mike, Ben, Jon, and Jamie

Uhms, Puns and Lint. Farewell Ben. (Grumbledown Pubisode)

NOV 17, 202458 MIN
The Infinite Escape Room

Uhms, Puns and Lint. Farewell Ben. (Grumbledown Pubisode)

NOV 17, 202458 MIN


This is the final episode in our Grumbledown series, in which the team successfully assassinated the predatory schoolmasters of Grumbledown's Preparatory Something or other for the whatsits...we never did quite figure out the name.

Having dispatched the Latinmaster, we adjourne to the pub, The Post Plutius. Jon attempts to blind himself, Mike makes excuses for getting his Latin wrong, Jamie makes it all look easy and we all take some time to enjoy Ben's greatest hits.

This is Ben's final episode of The Infinite Escape Room, certainly as a producer, though I'm sure we'll tempt him back as a solver some day!

This episode features: Ben, Mike, Jamie and Jon