A Serbian Film (ft. lampyman101)

SEP 19, 2021120 MIN
Worst Date Movies Ever

A Serbian Film (ft. lampyman101)

SEP 19, 2021120 MIN


<p>It&apos;s the last episode of Season 3 and it&apos;s definitely not one to miss as I&apos;m joined by Glenn Criddle, a.k.a. lampyman101. Glenn&apos;s the first YouTuber I subscribed to back in 2009 who talked about disturbing films, such as the Video Nasties.<br/><br/>The first half of the episode is an interview with Glenn covering many topics, such as why he started his channel, how YouTube has changed, advice he&apos;d give to people looking to start their own channel, and a lot more, including times he&apos;s received death threats (!!!) for his videos.<br/><br/>For the rest of the episode, myself and Glenn review A Serbian Film - one I&apos;m sure you&apos;ve all been waiting for! Not only is it possibly the most disturbing and controversial film of all time, but also a very misunderstood film.<br/><br/>Jump to 57:48 if you want to go straight to the review.<br/><br/>It was an honour having Glenn on the show and I hope to do something with him again in the future.</p>