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Audible Bleeding contributor and first year vascular surgery fellow Richa Kalsi (@KalsiMD) is joined by vascular fellow Donna Bahroloomi (@DonnaBahroloomi), fourth year general surgery resident, Sasank Kalipatnapu (@ksasank), JVS editor-in-chief, Dr. Thomas Forbes (@TL_Forbes), and JVS-CIT editor Dr. Matt Smeds (@mattsmeds) to discuss two great articles in the JVS family of journals. The first article analyzes seven years worth of VQI data on TCAR, CEA, and TF-CAS to elucidate modern management of carotid disease. The second article provides a simple but powerful method of assessing adequacy of revascularization in the management of hemodialysis access-induced distal ischemia. This episode hosts Dr. Marc Schermerhorn (@MarcScherm), Sabrina Straus MS3 (LinkedIn), and Dr. Yana Etkin (@YanaEtkin), authors of these papers.
Part 1: “Seven years of the transcarotid artery revascularization surveillance project, comparison to transfemoral stenting and endarterectomy” by Sabrina Straus, Dr. Schermerhorn, and colleagues.
Part 2: “Proximalization of arterial inflow with adjunctive arterial pressure measurements for management of hemodialysis access-induced distal ischemia” by Dr. Etkin and colleagues.
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