15: Three Signs of Perfection Paralysis and How to Break this Bad Habit
FEB 21, 20190 MIN
15: Three Signs of Perfection Paralysis and How to Break this Bad Habit
FEB 21, 20190 MIN
<p><strong>Three Signs of Perfection Paralysis and How to Break this Bad Habit</strong></p>
<p>The challenge most of us face in recognizing the signs of perfection paralysis is that it gets labeled as procrastination. When too many unfinished projects or unresolved issues pile up, we start looking for solutions about how to break this bad habit of procrastination. </p>
<p>But, procrastination is just the outcome of what’s going on in our minds. To change the outcome, we have to recognize the signs and consciously make a decision to break this bad habit of perfection paralysis instead. </p>
<p>Here’s a recap of three signs your project is stuck in perfection paralysis and solutions for how to break this bad habit:</p>
<p>· <strong>Stuck in raw idea stage...Solution:</strong> W<em>rite it down or share it with a trusted friend</em></p>
<p>· <strong>Unfinished project or unresolved issue....Solution:</strong> <em>Get going with continuous improvement along the way.</em></p>
<p>· <strong>Completed but not shared...Solution:</strong> <em>Launch as a test then modify if needed to make it a success</em></p>
<p>The story about how 3M created the sticky note? Here’s a link to their story…<a href="https://www.post-it.com/3M/en_US/post-it/contact-us/about-us/">https://www.post-it.com/3M/en_US/post-it/contact-us/about-us/</a></p>
<p>Build the business and life you crave!</p>
<p><em>Debbie Donaldson</em></p>
<p>Founder and CEO</p>
<p><em>p.s. Subscribe to my YouTube channel Debbie Donaldson Live for new ideas every week to drive your business forward.</em></p>
<p><strong>About the Author: </strong></p>
<p>Debbie Donaldson published the book Superpowers Activated after realizing her own personal journal contained life balance and growth mindset motivation anyone looking for self improvement would find beneficial. As an entrepreneur and enthusiastic reader of self help books and business books, Donaldson quickly realized that her ideas for how to journal daily improved her own self talk. Although we all have strengths and weaknesses, this new success habit retrained her brain to focus on strengths instead of focusing on weaknesses that lead to self sabotage. </p>
<p>As a business motivational speaker her focus is on sharing the ideas that empower her audiences with a plan for how to journal daily and experience power that goes beyond personal willpower to succeed. The change in self talk she inspires in her readers gives them an internal compass for how to be confident in their own unique combination of talents, gifts and blessings combined with their knowledge skills and experience. She even credits the practice of a daily focus on strengths for helping her win her battle with cancer.</p>
<p>As her consulting business evolved and attracted business entrepreneurs, Donaldson began looking for ways to share her business success ideas. Within a year Donaldson completed a second book, SALES FUEL to give business owners new ideas for how to get more customers. </p>
<p>Access a free copy of SALES FUEL here: <a href="https://b2bentrepreneur.org/free-gift">https://b2bentrepreneur.org/free-gift</a></p>
<p><strong>b2bENTREPRENEUR.org</strong> is an international online marketing, sales and leadership training organization for entrepreneurs interested in profitable, enjoyable, accelerated business growth. </p>