Tatiana Dellepiane is a sex and relationship expert, Tantra teacher and founder of Priestess Mystery School. She incorporates the ancient wisdom of Tantra, Goddess worship and Shamanism with practical tools to empower women. She helps her clients and students embrace their power and enjoy their own bodies through one-on-one coaching, workshops, retreats, and courses.
Tatiana talks about how she got started after a bad breakup and healing her heart and learning Tantra medicine that transformed her. She shares that healing with other women who feel depleted, shut down, or who want to connect back to their bodies so they can fall in love with themselves and have more pleasure in their lives.
During the episode, Tatiana leads the listeners through Tantric Squeezing, which helps those feeling like they have too much energy in their third eye or crown or who need to feel more grounded.
“You need to fill your cup up first before you give it to anyone.” - Tatiana Dellepiane
Colin Bedell is a gay Gemini Twin from the South Shore of Long Island, New York. He’s a passionate student of astrology, personal-growth systems, and the universal spiritual themes explored in A Course in Miracles, as well as a weekly horoscope writer for Cosmopolitan and a contributor to Astrology.com.
In this interview, we talk about how he works as a rebellious leader in the field of astrology. His goal is to help his clients find solutions to their problems after his readings; he hopes not just have esoteric conversations with them, but help them put what they learn in their readings into practice in a person’s real life. We discuss the signs we should be looking for in our daily lives; how astrology can help us in out relationships, business, and our daily lives; and how to practice looking for signs from the universe to help guide us.
“[Astrology] gives you a mirror that we, ourselves, don’t ever possibly know. … These are parts of our personalities that, by and large, we have blind spot access to.” - Colin Bedell
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Gia al Qamar is an Evidential Medium who helps her clients empower themselves by relaying messages from the spiritual world. She talks about what it means to have this ability and the difference between a psychic you come across on the boardwalk and those who practices all the time. She talks about how energy of others can affect us and how we can protect our spiritual selves.
She talks about the different types of Mediums, including dispelling the myths many know about psychics from the media.One misconception is that she can just turn it on and off. Gia does a number of things before and after a reading to make sure that the space she devotes to her work is sacred and protected. She also talks about what happens during a reading with her clients and how she communicates with those who’ve passed on, including her weirdest experience with a client and a spirit.
Many clients come to Gia, expecting a “wow moment,” and she says if you just suspend disbelief for a moment, you’ll see that your loved ones are trying to get your attention. She advises us on how to ask for their presence. But the most important thing for these messages are to acknowledge the spirits sending them.
“As you acknowledge them, they will come stronger and more often because they know ‘she’s understanding me’ or ‘he’s understanding me.’”
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In episode one of The Rebellious Leader I interview Lauren Marie Fleming. She’s a writer who’s main goal in life is to take the guilty out of pleasure. An audacious storyteller, she wrote the book Bawdy Love: 10 Steps to Profoundly Loving Your Body, hosts the Bawdy Love podcast, and leads the #BawdyLove revolution, a movement to banish shame and fill our lives with decadence, delight, and joy. Throughout our conversation we talk in-depth about the power of positive body image, simple ways to start becoming more comfortable in your own body, and the nomadic adventure she’s on this year. Lauren is truly a rebellious leader! She’s a wealth of insights and she shares both practical advice and personal experiences that truly inspired me and I know will inspire you too.
In this episode we talk about:
Bernadette Pleasant is the creator of Femme! In the Femme! Experience, Bernadette creates a safe space for women of all ages, backgrounds, body types and dance skills to explore their sensual selves. Women are empowered to fully embrace and embody all of their emotions and fully express them through movement. She is passionate about helping women to be fully turned on and unapologetic about their power. We talked in-depth about how Bernadette developed Femme! and what her classes involve, as well as the importance for having a safe space to express all of our emotions. She also shared a lot of insights around her personal philosophy and how she lives her life, which will be really inspiring for anyone who wants to take better care of themselves and live more confidently.
In this episode we talk about:
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