154: Your Mom & Dad: Traitors S3 Recap - Traitor vs Traitor vs New Traitor?! (Ep 9 & 10)
MAR 3, 202594 MIN
154: Your Mom & Dad: Traitors S3 Recap - Traitor vs Traitor vs New Traitor?! (Ep 9 & 10)
MAR 3, 202594 MIN
<div>Today Your Mom and Dad cover episodes 9 and 10 of The Traitors season 3 - and they have strong feelings about some of the moves made in these episodes! They discuss the Traitor vs Traitor betrayal, the newly recruited Traitor, The Seer twist, Finale theories, missing someone they never thought they’d miss, the iconic Gabby, and much more!<br>
***Tune in Wednesday (3/5) for a recap of Bachelor Grant’s Hometowns!<br>
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