MINDSET to MANIFESTATION with Christina DiStefano
MINDSET to MANIFESTATION with Christina DiStefano

MINDSET to MANIFESTATION with Christina DiStefano




Are you a content creator in need of support and encouragement? Do you want to show up online but are too afraid to get out there or don’t know how to start? Your level of deserving and self-love directly impacts the level at which you manifest and your ability to access even BIGGER & BETTER versions of whatever it is you are seeking. If you want to create and you feel the longing in your heart to do so, then now is the time babe. The world needs you and your unique perspective. Manifestation is not complicated. It’s about energy, mindset and embodiment that work together infinitely. If you’ve read this far, then have a listen. Your soul aligned you with this message for a reason. This all part of your beautiful unfolding. Let today be the day, you listen and start to uncover the magic within. XOCD

Recent Episodes

Just Get Started + Remove the Obstacles & Explore Your Creative Mediums
AUG 9, 2024
Just Get Started + Remove the Obstacles & Explore Your Creative Mediums

Hello lovely. I know you’ve been thinking about creating some sort of online presence but get hung up on things being perfect or figuring it all out in advance.

We do this kind of thing to create a false sense of being safe—if we have all the answers, if everything is nicely buttoned up, then and only then should we step out into the online content creation world. Then and only then are we qualified to show up.

I’m here to tell you these are lies babe. You are stalling. You are putting off the momentum that you could have simply by growing and learning in the process of creating. Start creating. Start putting yourself out there. It doesn’t matter of your hair isn’t perfect or you don’t have the “look” you think you must have to do this. Just start. Share your growth journey. Allow people to witness your evolution.

Content creation is a spiritual endeavor IMO because we are going to be faced with your insecurities. Your inner critic, and options of other people. Sounds fun, right?!

This is a journey and not a sprint. Honestly, I can tell you that if my YouTube channel took off straight away and I gained 10k followers in a few months, then I would have not been prepared for that exposure. It took time. It took growing little by little, little bits of exposure to the “trolls” online with their mean comments. I had to build my strength, my creation process and my editing skills along the way and it was absolutely worth it.

What I’m trying to say is don’t let the fear of looking like an amateur stop you. I have some very cringy videos and a slew of other things online that were simply me just trying. Remember not to compare yourself to people who have been creating for years. Some content creators come from advertising, marketing, acting and film backgrounds so they are steps ahead of you. This is okay. Let them be. You be you. People will love that. I promise!!

ALSO remember YOU WILL GET THERE. Take that phone out right now, well after you listen to the podcast, and create something.

Got something you want to say? Film or record it and post it. Walk bravely into the dark room of the unknown and turn the light on. I think you’ll find that it’s full of people that are grateful for your message today.

Sending you so much love from NYC 😘



23 MIN