<p>In this short episode, our team thew a virtual retirement party for Pedro Monteiro! Listen in as Pedro reflects on his podcasting and academic journey. Ethnography Atelier podcasts will continue and stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. Thank you Pedro! 🎉</p>
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<p>Pedro Monteiro is an Assistant Professor at Copenhagen Business School and Visiting Fellow at Gothenburg University. Previously, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the EM Lyon Business School. He holds a Ph.D. in Business and Management from Warwick Business School. He is also the representative-at-large in the OMT Division at AOM. His research examines how organizations develop, recognize and integrate expertise and the social (dys)functions of bureaucracy via qualitative methods, including ethnographic approach. The empirical settings he studied include the aeronautics industry, public sector, and cybersecurity.</p>