<description>&lt;p&gt;Reflections and field recordings from my first 100 mile run, the &lt;a href= "http://www.cloudsplitter100.com/CSHome.shtml"&gt;Cloudsplitter 100&lt;/a&gt; in Norton, Virginia. This episode is not about how to run a hundred miles, but it is about why I ran and what I experienced. Music during the story played by me. The song played during the intro and outro is Benevolence by &lt;a href= "http://seekingmadras.bandcamp.com"&gt;Seeking Madras&lt;/a&gt;.  &lt;/p&gt;</description>

Adventure Airwaves

Adventure Airwaves

Running the Cloudsplitter 100 Mile Ultramarathon - Suffering Joy

OCT 24, 202121 MIN
Adventure Airwaves

Running the Cloudsplitter 100 Mile Ultramarathon - Suffering Joy

OCT 24, 202121 MIN


Reflections and field recordings from my first 100 mile run, the Cloudsplitter 100 in Norton, Virginia. This episode is not about how to run a hundred miles, but it is about why I ran and what I experienced. Music during the story played by me. The song played during the intro and outro is Benevolence by Seeking Madras.