EP274: "Hitler" or "Peaceful Transfer of Power" ?

NOV 7, 202436 MIN
The Builder's Journey

EP274: "Hitler" or "Peaceful Transfer of Power" ?

NOV 7, 202436 MIN


Feeling like a loser? Don't worry! Participation trophies for everybody!


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline . . . 988  https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/  Colorado Crisis Services & Peer Support 1-844-493-8255 https://coloradocrisisservices.org/ Hope Center Eagle River Valley 970-306-4673 https://www.yourhopecenter.org/  SpeakUp-ReachOut  https://www.speakupreachout.org/970-632-3858  www.TheBuildersJourney.com

Alex K. Mintling Instagram: Alex_Mintling

Plumb Kendall Solutions [email protected] www.RemodelVail.com

Music Provided by our proud sponsor: Plumb Kendall Solutions www.RemodelVail.com

Music Sourced from www.Pond5.com