Anat Ben Shaul -- Preserving the Past with Creative Writing
FEB 20, 202032 MIN
Anat Ben Shaul -- Preserving the Past with Creative Writing
FEB 20, 202032 MIN
Anat Ben Shaul discusses how the passing of her aunt Mazal inspired her to begin on a novel about the Yemeni Jewish community and their immigration to Israel. To write the novel she had to research the history of her community. She obtained historical resources from the JDC, read through hundreds of documents, and was brought to tears reading about the hardship of her ancestors. She goes on to tell us some family stories about her Aunts Mazal and Rania and how the stories that sounded fantastical to her as a child began to make sense as she learned the historical context of her parents' and grandparents’ childhoods. She ends the interview by giving a short overview of the Yemeni Jewish community focusing on the time of their immigration to Israel. Check out the YouTube video of her Limmud 2020 session here: And check out the blog she wrote about her Aunt Rania’s story here: Interview by Tamar Libicki.