2: A Rewind In Qzone History 空间黑历史

JAN 13, 201922 MIN
Apollo Niu World

2: A Rewind In Qzone History 空间黑历史

JAN 13, 201922 MIN


<p>In this episode, Apollo logged into Niu's Qzone (A popular social media platform built by Tencent, under QQ). They went through the early posts Niu posted throughout '08 - '15, and they both discuss the popular culture behind these posts, among Generation Z.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Our Podcast is now available on many major podcast/audio platforms, please subscribe so we can be motivated to create more contents!</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong>Platforms:</strong></p> <p>- Google Podcast</p> <p>- Spotify</p> <p>- Breaker</p> <p>- Overcast</p> <p>- Pocket Casts</p> <p>- RadioPublic</p> <p>- Stitcher</p> <p>- Apple Podcast (Coming soon)</p> <p><br></p> <p>在这期播客里,阿波罗打开了牛同学的 QQ 空间,他们一起翻阅和讨论牛同学小时候的黑历史,同时涉及到一些 00 后的流行文化。</p> <p><br></p> <p><strong>Shownotes:</strong></p> <p>- QQ 秀</p> <p>- 江南的《龙族》系列</p> <p>- 合金装备 系列游戏 (Metal Gear Solid)</p> <p>- Temple Run&nbsp;</p> <p>- 无限流网络小说:《无限恐怖》</p> <p>- 日本能剧</p> <p>- 星际穿越 (Interstellar)</p> <p>- 福尔摩斯:基本演绎法 (Elementary)</p> <p><br></p> <p>我们的播客已经上线大部分主要泛用型播客客户端啦,如果对我们的播客感兴趣的话,欢迎大家在其他地方订阅哦!</p>