<description>&lt;p&gt;Today we chat with high school biology teacher, Sam Long, about creating gender inclusive curriculum in STEM classrooms. Also, we chat with Sam about his contribution to new publication &lt;a href= "https://www.canadianscholars.ca/books/teaching-about-gender-diversity" target="_blank" rel="noopener"&gt;&lt;em&gt;Teaching about Gender Diversity: T&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;em&gt;&lt;a href= "https://www.canadianscholars.ca/books/teaching-about-gender-diversity" target="_blank" rel="noopener"&gt;eacher-Tested Lesson Plans for K–12 Classrooms&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/em&gt;which hits shelves August 2020.&lt;/p&gt;</description>

Queer MEDucation

Kerin "KB" Berger: medical professional and educator for LGBTQI + nonbinary

Gender Diversity in STEM Classrooms ft. Sam Long (he/him)

AUG 11, 202051 MIN
Queer MEDucation

Gender Diversity in STEM Classrooms ft. Sam Long (he/him)

AUG 11, 202051 MIN


Today we chat with high school biology teacher, Sam Long, about creating gender inclusive curriculum in STEM classrooms. Also, we chat with Sam about his contribution to new publication Teaching about Gender Diversity: Teacher-Tested Lesson Plans for K–12 Classrooms which hits shelves August 2020.