Mothers are Already the Safety Net. Now We Must Be a Firewall. (Audio)
<p>I am very angry right now. In my community, I’m witnessing a fixable systemic childcare problem be cemented squarely on the shoulders of individual families, rather than those with power and resources collectively addressing a real need.</p><p>My beleaguered public school district is waving the white flag of surrender to its working parents over our afterschool program. In this week’s audio newsletter, I’ll make a case for why we have to resist the dismantling of safety nets. </p><p>This is the last free audio newsletter for everyone. If you’re a paid member, you still have access. If you’ve loved these audio newsletters and want to try out our membership program, go to <a target="_blank" href=""></a> for a free 30-day trial.</p><p><strong>Now I want to change gears from fire breathing to recommend a few Substacks to you:</strong></p><p>I love the Substack from Lindsey Stanberry called <a target="_blank" href="null">The Purse</a>. She gets personal with the people she interviews and it’s so illuminating. My favorite one of her series is <a target="_blank" href="">Home Economics</a> where people share al the nitty gritty details about what they spend money on in a month. Also has a <a target="_blank" href="">Division of Labor</a> series about household responsibilities among couples I think Double Shifters will love.</p><p>Also, definitely check out <a target="_blank" href="">I’m Walking Here</a> by <a target="_blank" href="">Liz Gumbinner</a>. She’s one of the original tastemakers in the mom space looong before momfluencers were a thing, and her newsletter is a great mix of common sense advice, analysis of current events, <a target="_blank" href="">observations on parenting</a> and parenting culture, pithy media commentary, unabashed feminism, GenX nostalgia, oddly persistent optimism, <a target="_blank" href="">gift guides</a> and <a target="_blank" href="">recommendations</a>.</p><p>Members-only Hangout THIS FRIDAY! </p><p>I can’t wait for our Members-only hangout on <strong>March 15th at 3pm EST!</strong> I’m thrilled that two long-time Double Shift members will join me in conversation about how creativity and caregiving intersect, overlap, conflict, and interplay. This is something I’ve been thinking about a lot as my “day job” requires "creativity.” But writing doesn’t always feel “creative” for me when it’s part of my “work.” I will be joined by musician <a target="_blank" href="">Jaspar Lepak</a> and visual artist <a target="_blank" href="">Ilyse Iris Magy</a>. Whether you are also a professional creative, someone who explores creativity through hobbies, someone who’s shelved creativity because of your caregiving duties, or someone who thinks they don’t have a creative bone in your body, this will be an enriching discussion for us all!</p> <br/><br/>This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit <a href=""></a>