Mortal Engine Epilogue

APR 29, 202057 MIN
Epilagers: A Book & Beer Club

Mortal Engine Epilogue

APR 29, 202057 MIN


Mortal Engines Part 2

Philip Reeve

"It was a dark, blustery afternoon in spring, and the city of London was chasing a small mining town across the dried-out bed of the old North Sea."

The great traction city London has been skulking in the hills to avoid the bigger, faster, hungrier cities loose in the Great Hunting Ground. But now, the sinister plans of Lord Mayor Mangus Crome can finally unfold.

Thaddeus Valentine, London's Head Historian and adored famous archaeologist, and his lovely daughter, Katherine, are down in The Gut when the young assassin with the black scarf strikes toward his heart, saved by the quick intervention of Tom, a lowly third-class apprentice. Racing after the fleeing girl, Tom suddenly glimpses her hideous face: scarred from forehead to jaw, nose a smashed stump, a single eye glaring back at him. "Look at what your Valentine did to me!" she screams. "Ask him! Ask him what he did to Hester Shaw!" And with that she jumps down the waste chute to her death. Minutes later Tom finds himself tumbling down the same chute and stranded in the Out-Country, a sea of mud scored by the huge caterpillar tracks of cities like the one now steaming off over the horizon.

In a stunning literary debut, Philip Reeve has created a painful dangerous unforgettable adventure story of surprises, set in a dark and utterly original world fueled by Municipal Darwinism -- and betrayal.


This is Epilagers. A book club for Fantasy-Fiction and Nerd-like reading where we crack open our beer as we crack open our books. Shay and Jay explore new and old books in a two part series so that you, the readers and listeners, can experience the books with us. 

Spoiler Warning!

We will be discussing the book in detail, revealing plot points and the ending, so if you just can’t bear to be hit with spoilers you better read and come back later.

This year we are selecting books in the genre “Dystopian Culture”, which will include titles like the Maze Runner, Delirium, the Mortal Engines, Ender’s Game, Bartimaeus Amulet of Samarkand, and more.

Part 1, the Prologue, we discuss how we’re enjoying the style and set up of the plot, discuss how we want the narration to develop, and make hopeful and possibly outrageous plot predictions based on the first 25% of the book. Part 2, the Epilogue, will be a quick summary of the book and many discussion topics all with book spoilers and out thoughts on the plot. So Spoiler haters beware! Join us on our journey and remember the best way to tackle Adulthood is with a book in one hand and a beer in the other. 

If you could give us a rating and review in your podcast app that helps us grow and build an amazing audience to share our love for fantasy with. Thank you for joining us on this journey!

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Thank you for the creative commons license so that we may use this artist's song for our intro music:

Cold Funk - Funkorama by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 
