ELI5 Myopia - why can’t you buy myopia glasses off the shelf like reading glasses?

NOV 22, 20246 MIN
ELI5 Explain Like I'm 5: Bite sized answers to stuff you should know about - in a mini podcast

ELI5 Myopia - why can’t you buy myopia glasses off the shelf like reading glasses?

NOV 22, 20246 MIN


How common is myopia around the world? Is it caused by genetics or lifestyle? How has myopia evolved with human activities? In aAmerican drug stores you often see a wide variety of reading glasses. Why are there no pre made options for myopia or near sighted people?

... we explain like I'm five

Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community and in particular the following users whose questions and comments formed the basis of this discussion: notofyourworld, forams__galorams, cultish_alibi, pearlsb4pigs, explosivelydehiscent, norrisn and queltis6000

To the ELI5 community that has supported us so far, thanks for all your feedback and comments. Join us on Twitter:


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