<p><strong>BetaHaus.Life S1 E15 - Location | Relocation | Changing Cultures</strong></p>
<p>Welcome back ! You’re diving right into another amazing edition of the BetaHaus.Life podcast! Today’s guest is our friend Tim Captian. Tim is the pastor of First Christian Church in National City, just south of downtown San Diego. Over the course of his life, Tim Captain has moved many, many times. When people ask him where he’s from, Tim often says “around” because it’s kind of hard to pin down what “home” may have been.</p>
<p>It’s a common thing in San Diego, because there are so many transplants here, to ask people where they’re from before you ask them what they do. Tim was born in Indiana, grew up in Zimbabwe for 8 years, then back to Indiana, off to Hawaii, back to Indiana, then on to Ohio, after college he moved to Annapolis, Maryland and then finally here in San Diego for the last 7 years. Ben did that math and Tim’s moving distance alone comes to about 28,000 miles over the course of his life.</p>
<p><strong>Tim's Shameless Plugs:</strong></p>
<p>Adventure Point Learning Center in National City&nbsp;</p>
<p>211 San Diego - Finding the Help You Need</p>
<p>Ready to get started with a podcast of your own? Do you live in San Diego? Contact us online at http://BetaHaus.Studio and schedule a time to come by and see how we can help make that happen!</p>
<p>Follow us on all those beautiful social channels, too:</p>
<p>Instagram: @BetaHausStudio</p>
<p>Twitter: @BetaHausStudio</p>
<p>If you read this far, you're awesome. Give yourself a high-five from us :)&nbsp;</p>


Benjamin Hedgspeth

Tim Captain & Relocating Well: Stories to Stretch You

JUN 10, 201947 MIN

Tim Captain & Relocating Well: Stories to Stretch You

JUN 10, 201947 MIN


<p><strong>BetaHaus.Life S1 E15 - Location | Relocation | Changing Cultures</strong></p> <p>Welcome back ! You’re diving right into another amazing edition of the BetaHaus.Life podcast! Today’s guest is our friend Tim Captian. Tim is the pastor of First Christian Church in National City, just south of downtown San Diego. Over the course of his life, Tim Captain has moved many, many times. When people ask him where he’s from, Tim often says “around” because it’s kind of hard to pin down what “home” may have been.</p> <p>It’s a common thing in San Diego, because there are so many transplants here, to ask people where they’re from before you ask them what they do. Tim was born in Indiana, grew up in Zimbabwe for 8 years, then back to Indiana, off to Hawaii, back to Indiana, then on to Ohio, after college he moved to Annapolis, Maryland and then finally here in San Diego for the last 7 years. Ben did that math and Tim’s moving distance alone comes to about 28,000 miles over the course of his life.</p> <p><strong>Tim's Shameless Plugs:</strong></p> <p>Adventure Point Learning Center in National City&nbsp;</p> <p>https://www.nationalcitychurch.com/adventurepoint</p> <p><br></p> <p>211 San Diego - Finding the Help You Need</p> <p>https://211sandiego.org</p> <p>=-=-=-=-=-=-=</p> <p>Ready to get started with a podcast of your own? Do you live in San Diego? Contact us online at http://BetaHaus.Studio and schedule a time to come by and see how we can help make that happen!</p> <p>Follow us on all those beautiful social channels, too:</p> <p>Instagram: @BetaHausStudio</p> <p>Twitter: @BetaHausStudio</p> <p>Facebook.com/betahausstudio</p> <p>If you read this far, you're awesome. Give yourself a high-five from us :)&nbsp;</p>