mathew pierce



A podcast where we talk about anything and everything, from sports to politics, to sex.

Recent Episodes

adjustment period
MAR 20, 2023
adjustment period


Hello, and welcome back to our podcast. Today, we will be discussing some topics that we hope will resonate with many of our listeners. We'll be exploring the need for testing relationships, adjusting to a new treatment center, and the challenges of reuniting with family members after an extended period living apart.

Many of us have probably experienced that feeling of wanting to test our relationships – whether it's with romantic partners or friends. Some people might do this to see how much someone really cares about them, or to push boundaries and see where someone's limits are. However, this behavior can often be harmful to both parties and can lead to a breakdown in trust. We'll be discussing why we might feel the need to test relationships and how we can overcome this behavior.

Moving to a new treatment center or therapy program can be a challenging experience, especially when it comes to adapting to new rules and routines. It can be challenging to let go of familiar ways of doing things and embracing a new way of living. We'll be sharing some tips on how you can adjust to a new treatment center or therapy program while maintaining a positive attitude and mindset.

During the pandemic, many families were separated and forced to live apart for extended periods. While it might be exciting to finally be reunited with loved ones, it can also be a challenging experience. Everyone has been living their own lives for months, and it can take some time to adjust to living together again. We'll be discussing some strategies to help you navigate this transition and make the most of your time with your loved ones.

That's all we have time for today. We hope you found our podcast insightful and informative. If you have any thoughts or questions, please leave them in the comments section. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast and stay tuned for more episodes to come. Until next time, take care!

15 MIN