Becoming Muslim
Becoming Muslim

Becoming Muslim

Marilyn Rose


Details is a safe space community for new Muslims, newly practicing Muslims and anyone interested in learning more about the beautifully peaceful religion and spiritually, Islam. The show is hosted by Marilyn Rose an American businesswoman, now a Muslimah Convert living her best life in the united kingdom and traveling the world. She shares advice, experiences and interviews inspirational guests to help empower Muslim women to truly shine their own light and live their best selves.

Recent Episodes

Spreading the Truth in Modern Times with Rabia Biag
JAN 21, 2021
Spreading the Truth in Modern Times with Rabia Biag

How do you spread the truth in a unique way on Social media platforms?

Today, we have Rabia Biag, a beautiful soul who spreads truth and wisdom through her social media accounts. We will talk about her story of migrating from Pakistan to the USA, the different experiences she had in both countries, and how she started her journey in sharing the truth about becoming and being Muslim.

You can connect with Rabia in her Instagram Account.

And connect with me through my
Personal Instagram Account or the BecomingMuslim Instagram, and of course

P.S. We are testing out this platform to stay connected.

If you have any questions, please let me know. You can also join the  Becoming Muslim Community on Viber.

** Disclaimer: We advise you to find a local scholar in your area, if you don't have one - go find a scholar who has dedicated their life to islam, not just part time learning but truly those who have gone out to seek the truth to connect with Allah سبحانه وتعالىٰ‎ ** 

22 MIN